a film by Stephanie Black
In the film i think that were quite a few similarities between the way Jamaica is [2001] and it's colonial days . They are in a obscene amount of debt with no end in sight. They are not far off from a colony because they truly have lost the right to govern their state. They have such restricitions that they aren't free to make the decisions of a true free nation and seem like a island store for all nations,especially the U.S., to sell their products.
A jamaican native in the film said " we are in the same way financially as when we were a colony."
The economy of a country is imperative for the survival of a country. Jamaica seems to have no way out of the debt it's in and therefore might always remain a thirld world country.
the International Monetary Fund has full control of Jamaican economy because they are the ones who have made the loans and established excessive interest. The interest on the loans is so excessive that their is no realistic way to pay it. As Jamaica gets deeper into debt,the IMF imposes more and more restrictions on Jamaica. This is how they remain in control .
Jamaicans riot in protest and the government appeals to other countries who are world leaders as methods to challenge the control of the IMF over thier country.
The biggest conection to the film is one of the texts we read two weeks ago, an essay by Jamaica Kincaid called "A Small Place". Both the film and the essay center on tourism and the hardships of a nation.